Monday, January 2, 2012

On Resolutions

My husband and I decided long ago that going out on New Year's Eve is for amateurs and New Year's Resolutions are for idiots. That said at this the beginning of another year, 2012, we find ourselves on-again/off again smokers (gasp!), lazy nap-loving slugs, lousy communicators, overweight, underfunded, and fighting the valiant fight to do what is right yet consistently coming up short.

On this New Year's Eve,  I spent the evening at home reflecting on the past year and making a to-do-list for the approaching 2012.  In chicken scratch on the back of an envelope, my hopes and dreams are these:

1.  Keep my home clean enough to take pictures of my children and post to Facebook.
2.  Yell less.  Challenge our family to communicate without raised voices and anger.
3.  Be more active.
4.  Value our home and family.
5.  Quit putting things off.
6.  Get a shelf for the china cabinet.
7.  Take back the library books.
8.  Organize the family finances.
9.  Get a much overdue oil change in my minivan.
10. Plan for a new driveway.
11. Finalize plans for adopting a child.
12. Give God a year.

What about losing weight?  Paying down old debt?  Running a 5k?  None of those made it on there...but what's this about giving God a year?  I mean, we go to church.  I'm scheduled to start teaching Sunday school.  I sing loud and proud during worship.  Give God a year?  Haven't I given him enough.  I say grace with my children.  I pray before I go to bed (most nights).  I pay attention to Pastor Scott on Sundays.  Shamefully, I've also been ignoring God.  Yes, while eternally grateful for the many blessings in my life, I've been sticking my fingers in my ears during much of the time God has been talking to me.  Finally, I'll admit.  I couldn't take it any more.  There was an old testament kind of moment in my house on New Year's Eve.  My life had been building in that direction, but God's usually small nagging voice boomed in my ear.  He said, Amy, give me a year and let me open your heart and blow your mind.  Here goes everything!


  1. So excited to see you give everything (to God)! I am glad to have you as a friend and look forward to journeying with you as we follow God, do our best to love and respect our husbands and be awesome moms.


  2. Sorry, I don't have a log in, so my comments will be courtesy of Kevin...By the way, love your profile picture.

  3. Amy, I'm so glad you started a blog. You have always been an amazing writer. I look forward to your journey through the year and some of your goals for 2012 are VERY similar to mine. Here's hoping we're able to give it to God and let him help us along the way. :-) Heather
